We have some hex files (firmware) in our download center >

It is important to know that GRBL has to be configured properly to be able to move motors at the required speed and keep correct sizes and proportions. There could be some speed limitations for cutting and engraving that are also saved in GRBL settings. It depends on the parameters of the GRBL. It could be M103/M105 or it could be M03/M05. It is important to know that some machines and frames have slightly different commands for turning on / off the laser. Marlin firmware is usually used on many open-source and cheap 3D printers like Anet, Anycubic, Wanhao, and others… GRBL is mostly used on such frames as Eleksmaker, Sainsmart, CNCC LaserAxe, WainLux, Neje, Ortur, Atom, and similar machines. The most popular firmware now is GRBL, Marlin and others. To run the g-code you have to have special firmware on your board. G-code instructions are provided to a machine controller (industrial computer) that tells the motors where to move, how fast to move, and what path to follow. G-code (also RS-274) is the most widely used computer numerical control (CNC) programming language. I just wish I had half the CAD talent of Stepan so I could design more of my own stuff.Library of images and g-codes for laser cutting or engraving. Why? Because no one else in my area has one! Its unique, cutting edge and other than buying the file.I made it. But I have more satisfaction with this P-51 and I haven't even flown it yet. That EFX is one of my favorite speed planes and is blistering fast with my rare bear motor in it. I spend hours printing things I could easily buy from the dollar store. I don't know about you guys, but I have a basement full of impractical things and my printer is one of them. from RCGroups forum - I cant beleave we are even having this conversation! We all printed this thing because we could. This design style just seems to be custom catered for things like a Mig-15 or a curvy SR-71 Way more satisfying than buying it from china! (Lower case "c" intended) I love the challenge of printing this aircraft. The cool factor of having all the internal architecture within the wing and fuse sold me. I had to get the S3D to make it work the way it was designed.

I just downloaded the mustang last night.